Thursday, February 11, 2010

Do you deserve the right to vote?

So the question at hand is who is worthy of voting? The knee jerk reaction is everyone! Everyone should be able to cast a vote right?  The founding fathers did not agree. One of their basic precedents was owning property. Imagine if that was applied today. What kind of America would we see?

A lot of people have trouble with those on welfare and government assistance voting. Should they be allowed to?  Is a vote something you forfeit if you no longer contribute to society and would be essentially voting to sustain your own assistance and increase your reliance?

The truth is a part of me would like to revert back to our founding fathers with ideal of those who pay taxes or own property would be granted the right to vote.  This would not impose an age limit or be based on race, religion or competency.

Why is the individual at 16 or 17 a less valuable citizen than a 40 year old who contributes nothing?  Is age a determination of intelligence, maturity or patriotism?

I think these are valuable questions to pose when considering government.  As much as I would love to change the construct of the voting system I recognize it’s far more valuable to change the mindset of those around me.

“According to a global survey conducted by the Swedish-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), the average voter turnout of all elections held in America since 1946 is right around 48 percent.  A sharp decline from the number of voters who made it to the polls one hundred years ago.”

When we have elections from local to federal, how many Americans are represented?  How many take their duty as citizen seriously?

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

To change the mindset and affect real change we must all become conservative activists. If you want your vote to count then take on the role as teacher, father, mother and patriot. Educate those who will become voters and reach out to others around you with more than just emotions. Present the founding documents, the words of our conservative leaders and the role government should and must play in our lives.

People have long forgotten what the resilience and leadership of what one person can do. It can shape a community, change a nation and hopefully increase the value of each and every ballot cast.
So the last question I have for you is this.  Are you worthy of your vote?  Could you pass a 10 question aptitude test about your local, state and federal government?

I can't dictate whether you should be allowed to vote, nor should I be able to. I can only hope to change your mindset.

~Josh Marsh~
Morning News Watch Host/News Anchor